

2024 Merit Award: AIA Los Angeles_Residential Architecture Awards_Acc. Dwellings

Process & Construction

The One-Gable Studio is a creative workspace & guest house located on a corner lot in the historic Windsor Square neighborhood of Los Angeles. For this family of six, the structure is in many ways an extension of the house but also offers a space of separation for quiet work, guests and leisure.

The siting for the building and the pool emerged in response to the trees on the property. A cluster of Redwoods (north) and a mature Bradford Pear (west) bracket the back corner of the yard, leaving an area for the new structure. These natural canopies provide shade for the outdoor areas of the pool deck and lawn.

The single-gabled roof profile is the structure’s dominant architectural expression; a canopy of single span exposed rafters that are incrementally pitched from a horizontal top-plate, creating a dynamic interior space and room for the loft.

Mike Jacobs, Maya Taketani, Guillaume Lapointe, Isabella Krebs

Structural Engineer: Kobe Structural Engineering
General Contractor: Chadwick & Doggett General Contracting